Simcity 4 Road Mods


Network Addon Mod is a mod for SimCity 4 Deluxe, created by NAM Team.

The Network Addon Mod, also known as NAM, is a SimCity 4 mod that. The tram lines would glitch up from the road and would make the road undemolishable. The NAM also includes Euro/international road and highway textures and the Street Addon Mod (SAM) will provide 10 (soon to be 11) texture.


The Network Addon Mod, or NAM, is a modification for SimCity 4 Deluxe (or SimCity 4 with the Rush Hour Expansion pack), which adds a myriad of new transport network items, ranging from ground light rail, to fractional-angle roads, to roundabouts, and much more. It also includes bugfixes to Maxis items and a highly optimized set of traffic simulator plugins, improving pathfinding accuracy and performance.

Mod offers an installer.

Download character honey select. HoneySelect mods are not usable in PlayHome, that includes Character mods. Please do not reupload and repost my mods without my permission. See here why. If you have issues. Please read the frequently asked questions page. Honey Select - Overlays (SkinTex Plugin required).

Report problems with download to [email protected] Red alert 2 widescreen.






7 days

SimCity 4: Rush Hour - Network Addon Mod v.36mod356.8 MB11/17/201714.9K43
SimCity 4: Rush Hour - v.1.1.638.0 USpatch16.8 MB11/27/200316.7K29
SimCity 4: Rush Hour - EU v.1.1.638.0patch17.1 MB11/27/200310.9K13
SimCity 4: Rush Hour - IR Fix from CAM Vanilla Series v.1.00mod76.6 MB5/15/20162.3K6