Microsoft Excel Shortcuts Cheat Sheet


128 rows  Mar 06, 2020  Below is a listing of most of the major shortcut keys and key.

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The printable Excel cheat sheet

Excel can be used to prepare data, do math, and even run small businesses. With a few simple tools, you too can work wonders.

The Basics

A function = a predefined formula

Sum = add cells
Average = find the mean of cell
Count = count a number of cells
INT = round off decimals leaving integers
Round = rounds to a specified number of digits or decimals

And hundreds more.

So you’ve chosen a function, now how do you use it?

Syntax = the way in which you must format a function for it to work

First an equal sign (=)
Then, the function name (SUM)
Then, the argument (B3:B12)

The argument = the information you want the function to calculate
+ = Add
– = Subtract
* = multiply
/ = divide
^ = exponent
( )’s = organization for order of operations
B3,E4,… commas seperate elements
B3:B45 colons denate ranges of cells
$ = makes references absolute

Order of operations
Excel treats multiplication and division of equal importance, as well as addition and subtraction
() Parentheses
^ Exponents
* or / from left to right
+ or – from left to right


When pasting formulas somewhere else,
1.)=A1 = relative reference
2.)=$A1 = Column is absolute, row is relative
3.)=A$1 = Row is absolute, column is relative
4.)=$A$1 = Everything is absolute

Relative references adjust to their new surroundings.
[Format: Cell name:Contents]

Paste C3 to C4…And

The relative reference in C3 tells excel that you want to reference the cell to the left and up one.

You can drag formulas down to fill up entire rows or columns



As an integral part of the Ribbon interface used by the major applications included in Microsoft Office 2010, Excel gives you access to hot keys that can help you select program commands more quickly. As soon as you press the Alt key, Excel displays the mnemonic letter choices on the various tabs and command buttons on the Ribbon. Then, simply press the mnemonic (or not-so-mnemonic) letters to perform a particular task.

File Menu Commands: Common Excel 2010 Hot Keys

To activate the Excel 2010 hot keys, you press the Alt key before typing the mnemonic letters for a particular task. The mnemonic letter is F (for File) for the commands on the File menu in the new Backstage View. All you have to remember, then, is the second letter in the sequence; unfortunately, not all of the second letters are intuitive, as you can see in the following table.

Windows 10 cheat sheet printable
Hot KeyExcel Ribbon CommandFunction
Alt+FSFile Menu→SaveSaves changes to a workbook. When you first select this command for a new workbook, Excel displays the Save As dialog box
Alt+FAFile Menu→Save AsDisplay the Save As dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can modify the filename, location where the file is saved, and format that the file is saved in
Alt+FOFile Menu→OpenDisplays the Open dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can select a new Excel workbook to open for editing or printing
Alt+FCFile Menu→CloseCloses the current workbook without exiting Excel
Alt+FIFile Menu→InfoDisplays the Information panel in the Backstage View where you can see a preview of the current worksheet along with statistics about the workbook as well as protect the workbook, check the file for compatibility issues, and manage different versions created by the AutoRecover feature
Alt+FRFile Menu→RecentDisplays a list of the last 20 workbook files most recently opened for editing in Excel
Alt+FNFile Menu→NewDisplays the Available Templates panel in the Backstage View box where you can open a blank workbook or one from a template
Alt+FPFile Menu→PrintDisplays the Print panel in the Backstage View where you can change the print settings before sending the current worksheet, workbook, or cell selection to the printer
Alt+FDFile Menu→Save & SendDisplays the Save & Send panel in the Backstage View where you can send the current workbook as an e-mail attachment, save it in a new file format, or save it online to your company’s SharePoint site or your own Windows Live SkyDrive
Alt+FHFile Menu→HelpDisplays the Support panel in the Backstage View where you get help using Excel, check for updates to the program, and get statistics about the version of Excel 2010 you’re running
Alt+FTFile Menu→OptionsDisplays the Excel Options dialog box in the regular worksheet view where you can change default program settings, modify the buttons on the Quick Access toolbar, and customize the Excel Ribbon
Alt+FXFile Menu→Exit ExcelQuits the Excel program and closes all open workbooks after prompting you to save them

Hot Keys for Excel 2010 Editing Commands

To activate Excel 2010 hot keys, you press the Alt key before you type the mnemonic letters for a particular task. The mnemonic letter is H (Home) for the editing commands because these commands are located on the Home tab. The remaining letters in the hot key sequences are not so intuitive.

Fortunately, the most common editing commands (Cut, Copy, and Paste) still respond to the old Ctrl+key sequences (Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V), and you may find them quicker to use.

Hot KeyExcel Ribbon CommandFunction
Alt+HVPHome→Paste→PastePastes the currently cut or copied cell selection or graphic objects in the worksheet
Alt+HXHome→CutCuts the cell selection or selected graphic objects out of the workbook and places them on the Windows Clipboard
Alt+HCHome→CopyCopies the cell selection or selected graphic objects to the Windows Clipboard
Alt+HFPHome→Format PainterActivates the Format Painter
Alt+HFOHome→Clipboard Dialog Box LauncherDisplays and hides the Clipboard task pane
Alt+HIIHome→Insert→Insert CellsOpens Insert dialog box so you can indicate the direction in which to shift existing cells to make room for the ones being inserted
Alt+HIRHome→Insert→Insert Sheet RowsInserts blank rows equal to the number of rows in the cell selection
Alt+HICHome→Insert→Insert Sheet ColumnsInserts blank columns equal to the number of columns in the cell selection
Alt+HISHome→Insert→Insert SheetInserts a new worksheet in the workbook
Alt+HDDHome→Delete→Delete CellsOpens Delete dialog box so you can indicate the direction in which to shift existing cells to replace the ones being deleted
Alt+HDRHome→Delete→Delete Sheet RowsDeletes rows equal to the number of rows in the cell selection
Alt+HDCHome→Delete→Delete Sheet ColumnsDeletes columns equal to the number of columns in the cell selection
Alt+HDSHome→Delete→SheetDeletes the current worksheet after warning you of data loss if the sheet contains cell entries
Alt+HEAHome→Clear→Clear AllClears the contents, formatting, and comments from the cell selection
Alt+HEFHome→Clear→Clear FormatsClears the formatting of the cell selection without removing the contents and comments
Alt+HECHome→Clear→Clear ContentsClears the contents of the cell selection without removing the formatting and comments
Alt+HEMHome→Clear→Clear CommentsClears all comments in the cell selection without removing the formatting and contents
Alt+HELHome→Clear→Clear HyperlinksClears all hyperlinks in the cell selection without removing the formatting and contents

Excel 2010 View Commands Hot Keys

You can activate the Excel 2010 hot keys by pressing the Alt key before you type the mnemonic letters for a particular task. The mnemonic letter for all view-related commands in Excel 2010 is W (the last letter you see in vieW). Therefore, all the hot keys for switching the Excel worksheet into a new view begin with Alt+W. Remember that, and you’ll find most of the subsequent letters fairly easy to deal with.

Hot KeyExcel Ribbon CommandFunction
Alt+WLView→Normal ViewReturns the worksheet to normal view from Page Layout or Page
Break Preview
Alt+WPView→Page Layout ViewPuts the worksheet into Page Layout View showing the page
breaks, margins, and rulers
Alt+WIView→Page Break PreviewPuts the worksheet into Page Break Preview showing pages breaks
that you can adjust
Alt+WEView→Full ScreenPuts the worksheet in full-screen mode which hides the File
Menu, Quick Access toolbar, and Ribbon — press the Esc key to
restore previous viewing mode
Alt+WVGView→GridlinesHides and redisplays the row and column gridlines that form the
cells in the Worksheet area
Alt+WGView→Zoom to SelectionZooms the Worksheet area in or out to the magnification
percentage needed to display just the cell selection
Alt+WJView→100%Returns the Worksheet area to the default 100% magnification
Alt+WNView→New WindowInserts a new window in the current workbook
Alt+WAView→Arrange AllOpens the Arrange dialog box where you can select how workbook
windows are displayed on the screen
Alt+WFView→Freeze PanesOpens the Freeze Panes drop-down menu where you select how to
freeze rows and columns in the Worksheet area: Freeze Panes (to
freeze all the rows above and columns to the left of the cell
cursor); Freeze Top Row; or Freeze First Column
Alt+WSView→SplitSplits the worksheet into four panes using the top and left
edge of the cell cursor as the vertical and horizontal dividing
lines — press hot keys again to remove all panes
Alt+WHView→HideHides the current worksheet window or workbook
Alt+WUView→UnhideOpens the Unhide dialog box where you can select the window or
workbook to redisplay
Alt+WBView→View Side by SideTiles two open windows or workbooks one above the other for
comparison — press hot keys again to restore the original
full windows
Alt+WWView→Switch WindowsOpens the Switch Windows drop-down menu where you can select
the open window or workbook to make active

Hot Keys for Common Excel 2010 Formula Commands

You activate Excel 2010 hot keys by pressing the Alt key before you type the mnemonic letter for a particular task. Hot key sequences for the most common formula-related commands in Excel 2010 begin with the sequence Alt+M because the M in forMulas was the only mnemonic key still available (F is assigned to the File menu commands). After you know to press Alt+M to access Formula tab commands, it’s pretty easy sailing.

Hot KeyExcel Ribbon CommandFunction
Alt+MFFormulas→Insert FunctionOpens the Insert Function dialog box (same as clicking the
Insert Function button on the Formula bar
Alt+MUSFormulas→AutoSum→SumSelects the occupied range above the cell cursor and inserts
SUM formula to total the range
Alt+MUAFormulas→AutoSum→AverageSelects the occupied range above the cell cursor and inserts
AVERAGE formula to calculate the average of total in the range
Alt+MUCFormulas→AutoSum→Count NumbersSelects the occupied range above the cell cursor and inserts
COUNT formula to count the number of values in the range
Alt+MIFormulas→FinancialOpens a drop-down menu listing all Financial functions —
click name to insert function into current cell
Alt+MEFormulas→Date & TimeOpens a drop-down menu listing all Date and Time functions
— click name to insert function into current cell
Alt+MNFormulas→Name ManagerOpens Name Manager dialog box showing all range names in
workbook where you can add, edit, and delete names
Alt+MMDFormulas→Define NameOpens New Name dialog box where you can assign a name to the
cell selection or define a new constant
Alt+MSFormulas→Use in FormulaDisplays drop-down menu with range names in workbook that you
can insert into current formula by clicking
Alt+MCFormulas→Create from SelectionOpens Create Names from Selection dialog box where you indicate
which rows and columns to use in naming cell selection
Alt+MHFormulas→Show Formulas (Ctrl+`)Displays and then hides all formulas in cells of the
Alt+MXAFormulas→Options→AutomaticTurns automatic recalculation back on
Alt+MXEFormulas→Options→Automatic Except for Data
Turns automatic recalculation back on for all parts of the
worksheet except for ranges with Data Tables
Alt+MXMFormulas→Options→ManualTurns on manual recalculation
Alt+MBFormulas→Calculate Now (F9)Recalculates formulas throughout the entire workbook when
manual recalculation is turned on
Alt+MJFormulas→Calculate Sheet (Shift+F9)Recalculates formulas in the current worksheet when manual
recalculation is turned on