Dns Server Configuration In Linux 6 Step By Step Pdf
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At my place of employment, we are using Linux as a DNS server. Itperforms exceptionally well. This section will address configuration ofDNS tables for these services using the BIND 8.x package which comes standardwith the Red Hat distribution.
Note: Note: Red Hat versions 5.1 and earlier used the BIND 4.x package,which used a slightly different format for its configuration file. BIND8.x offers more functionality over that offered by BIND 4.x, and as 4.x isno longer being developed, you should probably consider upgrading yourBIND package to the latest version. Simply install the BIND RPM package(see Section 10.1 for details on using the RPM utility),then convert your configuration file to the new format.
Fortunately, converting your existing BIND 4.x configuration file tobe compliant with BIND 8.x is easy! In the documentation directoryprovided as part of BIND (for example,``
You should now have an``
Configuration of DNS services under Linux involves the followingsteps:
To enable DNS services,the ``
The extra spoof detection adds a bit of a performance hit to DNSlookups (although negligible), so if you're not too worried about this youmay wish to disable the
Configure the``
Note: (Note: IP addresses shown are examples only and must be replacedwith your own class addresses!):
Tip: Tip: Make note of the
Now you can set up your DNS tables in the``
Sample entries in the``
Sample entries in the``
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Any other reverse lookup files needed to map addresses in a differentclass B (such as 126.27.*) can be created, and would look much the sameas the example reverse lookup file above.
Make sure the named daemon is running. This daemon isusually started from the``
Whenever changes are made to the DNS tables, the DNSserver should be restarted by typing ``
More information on configuring DNS services can be found in the``DNS-HOWTO' guide athttp://metalab.unc.edu/Linux/HOWTO/DNS-HOWTO-5.html.