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Download iOS IPSW files for iPhone X (Global) All information on these pages is auto updated at least every minute. When you click on any Apple Software link on the site, you are redirected to an Apple server.
iOS Repo Updates Repo Updates199 repositories • 292 sections • 73,004 packages
Although packages are easily navigated from any jailbroken iOS device through the Cydia application itself, iOS Repo Updates is a website search engine offering a quick and reliable alternative for finding packages currently available in Cydia.
iOS Repo Updates checks all default repositories for new and updated packages once time per hour. Additionally, some others repositories will be checked.
Cydia is a full-featured graphical front end to APT and the dpkg package management system for the iOS developed by Jay Freeman (saurik). Cydia provides access to the latest software packages (including applications, themes, ringtones, and other modifications) exclusive to the jailbroken iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad. But some packages are unavailable on default repositories, with our tool it's easy to find it and to add a specific repository.
Cydia is typically installed on iOS devices during the jailbreaking process and includes a handful of default repositories known as community sources. These default repositories feature tens of thousands of software packages both free and commercially sold through the Cydia Store (similar to Apple's App Store). In addition to the already included community source repositories, Cydia also features a source manager allowing the addition of third-party or private repositories. Bargrooves ibiza 2013 raritan county. These private repositories can be created by anyone with the will and means to run their own.
Alternatively, if you're a developer, you can easiely create a repository with
If you want to suggest a new repository URL to track, please use Contact page.
iOS Repo Updates is not affiliated with Apple, Cydia or any other trademark.